About Me

I am an Electrical and Computer Engineering major at the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering. My current interests are in FPGA Engineering and Hardware Acclerators for Neural Networks. Through my time at Olin, I have had the opportunity to work on various Electrical, Computer, Software and Integrated Engineering projects.

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Here are some of the projects that I have been working on.

Neuromorphic Computing

This is a VLSI project on a memristor emulator, synapse and neuron for neuromoprhic applications

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RISC-V Pipelined CPU

This is a pipelined RISC-V CPU designed in SystemVerilog.

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FPGA Neural Networks

This is an exploration of FPGA Neural Networks and Tensor Processing Units

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We made an H-Bot Gantry with a system to sort items on a desk.

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Perfection Solver

This project has the Universal Robot 5 arms play the shape matching game Perfection.

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Augmented Reality Face Detection

This project explored using face detection in augmented reality to extract their 3D position

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