
Here are the projects I have been working on.

Digital to Analog Converter VLSI

This was a VLSI project focused on improving the performance of a DAC.

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This project is a recreation of Boids, bird-oid objects, that mimic the behavior of flocks.

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Augmented Reality Face Detection

This project explored using face detection in augmented reality to extract their 3D position

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Tic-Tac-Toe Robot

This project uses reinforced learning and ROS to have a Universal Robot 5 play Tic-Tac-Toe.

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We made an H-Bot Gantry with a system to sort items on a desk.

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Perfection Solver

This project has the Universal Robot 5 arms play the shape matching game Perfection.

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EMG Mixed Reality Control

This project uses Machine Learning to process EMG signals from the arm to control a Mixed Reality Application.

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RISC-V Pipelined CPU

This is a pipelined RISC-V CPU designed in SystemVerilog.

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Neural Network in C++

This project is a C++ neural network for the MNIST digit recognition problem.

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Neuromorphic Computing

This is a VLSI project on memristor emulators, synapse and neurons for neuromoprhic applications

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FPGA Neural Networks

This is an exploration of FPGA Neural Networks and Tensor Processing Units

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Flow Game

This is a recreation of the popular game Flow using Python and the MVC structure.

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